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Roadside Zoo News

Jul 13, 2021
Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary violates federal law with neonatal tiger cub transport
Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bend, WI, has violated federal law by transporting a tiger cub under 28 days old to their roadside zoo.

Jul 7, 2021
USDA inspects nonexistent shell corporation related to Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary
As of July 7, the USDA has removed all 2021 inspection reports for Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary and Great Cats in Crisis from their website.

Jun 16, 2021
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary has ties to Tiger King players
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary has ties to numerous Tiger King players including Joe Exotic, Doc Antle, Tim Stark, Jeff Lowe and Carole Baskin

Jun 11, 2021
Wildlife Science Center steals a wolf’s pup, 7 wolves escape, 2 wolves killed
A wolf named Iris was so frantic over the loss of her pup that she began digging around her den, eventually digging out of her enclosure.

Jun 10, 2021
Tiger Creek Safari listed for sale after animal sanctuary cited for violations
The Tiger Creek Safari Clubhouse and surrounding land are now listed for sale, days after the USDA revealed medical neglect at the

Jun 9, 2021
Cicchelli’s Second Chance Rescue and Exotics receives official USDA warning
Roadside zoo owners April and Ryan Cicchelli try to pass themselves off as a rescue but most of the exotics they own were purchased.

Jun 8, 2021
GFAS silent while monkeys are neglected at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
A former employee of Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary says the sanctuary is in shambles and numerous monkeys have died with no transparency

Jun 7, 2021
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary creates fake page, fake award; blames neglect on disgruntled employees
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary Owners Brian Werner Ferris and Emily Owen have begun misleading the public to hide their illegal activities.

Jun 6, 2021
Remembering the 11 animals that sacrificed their life at Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary
11 animals that passed away at Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary with no medical care, according to a April, 2021 USDA inspection report.

Jun 1, 2021
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary receives critical USDA violation for the death of 11 big cats
Animals at Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary showed clinical signs for weeks, sometimes months, without being examined by a vet prior to death.

May 26, 2021
Animal Haven Zoo’s tiger cub sold to Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary
The tiger cub born at Animal Haven Zoo, Weyauwega, WI, that was stolen from its mother has now been sent to Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary.

May 25, 2021
Shalom Wildlife Zoo calls animal welfare group a "terrorist" over video of a woman petting a bobcat
Video submitted of a woman petting a bobcat at Shalom Wildlife Zoo May 22, 2021. Today Shalom Wildlife Sanctuary, West Bend, WI, made a...

May 25, 2021
354 exotic animals awarded to city; Oklahoma veterinarian ordered to pay 95K
354 exotic animals seized from a veterinarian’s farm have been awarded to the city of Norman and the owners have to pay $95K for their care.

May 5, 2021
Retired circus elephants begin arriving at Florida pseudo-sanctuary
Circus elephants retired from The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus have begun arriving at a pseudo-sanctuary in Florida.

Apr 21, 2021
Sham sanctuary re-breeds inbred white tiger after she delivers stillborn cubs
Shalom Wildlife Zoo, West Bend, WI, announced they will continue trying to breed their inbred white tiger named Ginger

Apr 12, 2021
There is nothing wrong with asking roadside zoos and pseudo-sanctuaries to do better
It is important to pay attention to how roadside zoos and pseudo-sanctuaries respond to the questions and concerns that are raised.

Apr 10, 2021
Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary posts a photo of a dead cat; says it's happy at the sanctuary
Brian Werner Ferris of Tiger Creek Animal Sanctuary doesn’t even know what cats are at his pseudo-sanctuary.

Apr 9, 2021
Tim Stark taken into custody; sets the stage for Tiger King 2 with threats of violence and suicide
It has been a turbulent week for Tim Stark, who was taken into custody yesterday after threats of violence and suicide.

Apr 7, 2021
VICTORY! Tim Stark BANNED from ever owning animals again
After more than 20 years of animal neglect, abuse and exploitation, Tim Stark will never be able to hurt another animal again.

Apr 6, 2021
Exotic animal rescue removes their Facebook page after being questioned about animal care practices
Kingdom Animalia Exotic Animal Rescue, owned by Jamie Kozloski, has removed their Facebook page and no longer has an online presence.
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