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Roadside Zoo News

Apr 20, 2022
Tiger trainer Adam Burck sued by animal dealer Michelle Rossi over tiger mauling
Tiger trainer Adam Burck of Royal Bengal Tigers has been sued by animal dealer Michelle Rossi over a tiger mauling.

Sep 24, 2021
Royal Bengal Tigers and Nerger’s Tigers work together to neglect and exploit tigers
Royal Bengal Tigers & Nerger's Tigers are working together. They're no longer allowed on the property where they were keeping their tigers.

Sep 23, 2021
Feds cite Adam Burck again; Royal Bengal Tigers living in travel cages for more than 18 months
Adam Burck's Royal Bengal Tigers traveling circus act has again been cited by the USDA for keeping tigers in travel cages for 18 months.

Aug 30, 2021
Feds cite Animal Gardens Petting Zoo for missing records, dilapidated enclosures and unsafe fencing
Animal Gardens Petting Zoo has been cited by the feds. The roadside zoo has done business with Special Memories Zoo and trainer Wade Burck.

Jul 21, 2021
Royal Bengal Tigers cited for keeping tigers in cramped travel cages in a barn
Adam Burck and his Royal Bengal Tigers act has been cited six times for violating federal law by keeping tigers in hot, unsafe conditions
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