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Roadside Zoo News

Apr 9, 2022
Wolfdog escapes from Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary
A wolfdog has escaped from Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary and is on the loose in Muskegon, Michigan, officials say.

Apr 7, 2022
Judge rules Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary must give up their wolfdogs
Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary owner Brenda Pearson has been ordered to forfeit all of her wolfdogs to the state of Michigan.

Dec 20, 2021
Michigan judge visits Howling Timbers during trial to determine fate of 47 wolf-dogs kept illegally
The judge heard testimony that animals at Howling Timbers were fed moldy and rotten food, were underweight and had untreated medical issues.

Oct 18, 2021
DNR testifies sanctuary smelled of "rotting flesh" and flies were chewing wolfdogs' ear tips off
Wolves at Howling Timbers Animal Sanctuary were chewed on by flies and a wolfdog "smelled like rotting flesh" due to an untreated injury.
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