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Cicchelli’s Second Chance Rescue and Exotics receives official USDA warning

Ryan and April Cicchelli breed ringtail lemurs at their roadside zoo. Stock image of a lemur.

Cicchelli’s Second Chance Rescue and Exotics was given an official warning by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for failing to obtain a license for their roadside zoo.

Roadside zoo owners April and Ryan Cicchelli try to pass themselves off as a rescue but most of the exotics they own were purchased. They also breed the animals and post photos of children playing with them.

In October, 2020, officials for Animal and Plant Inspection Services observed April and Ryan exhibiting animals for a profit at their roadside zoo in Lake City, MI.

Exhibiting exotic animals for a profit without obtaining a USDA exhibitors license is a federal violation. According to the Official USDA Warning, if the Cicchellis continue to exhibit animals without a license they may face civil penalties, criminal prosecution, or other sanctions.


Official USDA Warning:


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